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Apple Lady Summer 2018 Fruit Share

A weekly assortment seasonal tree ripened BC fruit

Expect cherries, apricots, peaches, nectarines, plums, grapes, pears, apples and more.


Scroll down to subscribe

We set aside a special or limited items only available to the shares.  At least a portion of your delivery will be set up buffet style. 

How does it work?  We will deliver your pre-paid fruit for 16 weeks to one of six locations. starting the week of June 18 and ending the week of October 1.  

Our Downtown location will be 9 weeks starting June 19 and Ending August 28

How to Subscribe

Use the form at the bottom of  this page to:

1.    Choose a Location

      • Oak Ridge: Monday 12:00–6 pm

      • Downtown Stephen Avenue: Tuesday 10:00-4 pm

      • Langdon:  Tuesday 4-6 pm

      • Hillhurst Sunnyside:  Wednesday 4-7 pm

      • Bridgeland:  Thursday 3:30-7:00 pm

      • Marda Loop: Saturday 10-4 pm

2.    Choose a size

    • Couple  $15 weekly = $240 season;  Downtown = $135

    • Family  $25 weekly = $400 season; Downtown = $225

3.    Choose a payment method

    • Payment in full

    • 2 Payments.  First payment now.  Second payment before June 18

    4.   Pick up your goodies: a portion is set, select  the rest buffet style
          Bring your own carry bag

    Plan to be away?  Send a friend or get a double share another week

    Register Now by filling in the form below. 

    We will confirm your registration and send you details for payment and your chosen pickup location. 

    Thank you